Monday, October 1, 2007

Monthly Times or happy first of October @--)----

hello to everyone, who is assigned to the "Times" of my blog!
Recently i had some problems with the issuing, but work is work and even if it is interesting, sometimes it damned take a lot of time!
So today is Monday- the first of October and even though it is Monday, nothin can spoil this day! Almost the whole of September there was really a shitty weather, but now i think this is the time of so-called Babje( grannys ) sommer,

when the sun tryes to give all its warm before dieing in the cold winter, when the nature becomes alive again, just for the moment, for a week or two, giving us nice sky, red and yellow leaves on the trees and nicely saying "enjoy it"!
The last 2 weeks of September i have spend working hard, but also enjoying weekends, travelling as usuall!
so, everything in order!
Well, as everybody knows, the Czech republiс is a beer country, beer costs "nothing", tastes perfect and of course, there are a lot of beer festivals!
On the second in Czech Republic of beer festival which i attended, was even better than on the first. Why?

Its simle, the same company Radegst organised it again, but the action took place just on the territory of one of the biggest beer producing factory!
In numbers: 4 Scenes of action (dancing, singing, show, competition), large territory, more than 40000 visitors, hundred of different beer, food, souveniers,tastes mini-shops.
As usual i uploaded my pictures on
The same day we had an excursion on the beer factory! What to say? Just wow!

thousands of litres of beer being boiled, iteresting beer-making machines, beer smell, very-very clean, somewhere very cold, somewhere very hot, but inmpressing!

After the excursion our entrancу tickets took part in the lottery and..... we were lucky! we won the degustation and something else event invitations organised on the Silvester by the company!!!

The way back to Ostrava (the Festival took place in Nosovice near Frydek Mistek, 20 km from Ostrava) was not less impressing, while we took the VERY OLD tourist train, big, with lots of smoke out of machine and really funny interier inside!
Nice-nice and once more nice!

Moving further! (hm, by the way, i am spending my working time now!!!)
22d of September!

The big trip to the seccond biggest town in Czech Republic - BRNO!
The weather also made us happy and feel good! So the city is really beautifull, old and impressing!
The old centre is full of interesting buildings, which spread the history out of their walls!
we visited the watch tower, from which you can see the whole city, later we went to the mount castle Spilberg, which was at first a castle, then a fortress, then the really hard prison with tortures and now a perfect attraction to the tourists!
Not less impressive was the local Pub - PEGAS!

as a fact Pegas is not simply a pub, it is one of the most known in BRNO private brewery, where you can taste the freshest and unfiltered beer just out from the brew machine!

Besides this, you can also have a good meal there, so if anyone happens to visit Brno, i advice you to visit this place, situated in the very centre of the city!
Then we visited lots of famous squares. On one of such squares there was a festival of "burchak"(in russian it is something like BRAGA - already not juice, but still not wine) Anyway we didnt like much this thing, beer is better!))
on another square there was the science fetival, where the physics-chemistry masters showed the wonders of the science! really interesting to see, how from nothing

appears something, how the simple sunlight can boil the water in the cattle and otheк things!
Our last stop before leaving was a Kostel oа Saint Michal -big and impressin gothic buildind which can be seen from every part of the city!

Of course , our life is not just work or travelling, in the middle of the week we are always also having some activity, some new aiesec interns come, so in the last 2 weeks we have 4 more interns and 3 of them are from China and Hong Kong, the last arrived from Hungary. So thus we had a nice welcome party for them, ending as usuall in the best pub-street Stodolni. Soon we expect 2 more interns from Russia and some other coutry!
So now, there are 15 people from different counties, can you imagine this?? So many cultures, everyone is different, and it is so interesting to communicate! Want to say that only one AIESEC Osatrava are making more exchanges than some counties in Europe for the whole year, thats impressing!

Last weekend of September! The 30th!
Again not at home, again in the way, again new places of interest and the new towns! They were Novy (new) and Stary (old) Jicin!

really old towns ( 11th and 13th century)! Our new Czech friends (they are colleges of of Vikky) invited us there and showed everything!!!
Want to say that i really like little towns, which have not many inhabitants, but really beautifull, there is very comfortable there, its impossible to get lost, the people are friendly and still lots to see!

We wisited two castles -the first was in the centre and reconstructed, the second was on the hill and looked really great, old and thus impressive with the good view from the uphill!
i have also uploaded pictures on my photo-web!

Tomorrow will be the great event! The global-village. the party, where every intern from every country represents his country, shows the national symbols, prepares national food of whatever, just to share information and to broaden the outlook of those, who attend it! This time the event will take place in the Ostravian University Visoka Skola Banska, where will be lots of students and other people!
So tommorrow i am officialy free from my work(hehe) and will spend the whole day with my friends!

So, this "Times" digest issue comes to the end and i wish myself and everyone to enjoy the last warm Autumn days and not to be sad!


Svitlana said...

Женька, как там красиво в сердце Европу, я прямо глаз не могу оторвать от этих фоток Чехии)) А я вот первый раз в жизни побывала в Одессе - ходила по городу восторженная как дите малое))

Bogdan said...

Жека я не понял шота. Ты када в родные края двинешь? Када друзякам боченок хмельного выставишь?

Мы уже соскучились за тобой ука. Сима 7го декабря в Киев переезжает.

Тут вот сегодня с Пабло, Кешей и Пивом ударим по бездорожью...

ЗЫ. а вообще я пишу грамотно.

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