Monday, October 1, 2007

Monthly Times or happy first of October @--)----

hello to everyone, who is assigned to the "Times" of my blog!
Recently i had some problems with the issuing, but work is work and even if it is interesting, sometimes it damned take a lot of time!
So today is Monday- the first of October and even though it is Monday, nothin can spoil this day! Almost the whole of September there was really a shitty weather, but now i think this is the time of so-called Babje( grannys ) sommer,

when the sun tryes to give all its warm before dieing in the cold winter, when the nature becomes alive again, just for the moment, for a week or two, giving us nice sky, red and yellow leaves on the trees and nicely saying "enjoy it"!
The last 2 weeks of September i have spend working hard, but also enjoying weekends, travelling as usuall!
so, everything in order!
Well, as everybody knows, the Czech republiс is a beer country, beer costs "nothing", tastes perfect and of course, there are a lot of beer festivals!
On the second in Czech Republic of beer festival which i attended, was even better than on the first. Why?

Its simle, the same company Radegst organised it again, but the action took place just on the territory of one of the biggest beer producing factory!
In numbers: 4 Scenes of action (dancing, singing, show, competition), large territory, more than 40000 visitors, hundred of different beer, food, souveniers,tastes mini-shops.
As usual i uploaded my pictures on
The same day we had an excursion on the beer factory! What to say? Just wow!

thousands of litres of beer being boiled, iteresting beer-making machines, beer smell, very-very clean, somewhere very cold, somewhere very hot, but inmpressing!

After the excursion our entrancу tickets took part in the lottery and..... we were lucky! we won the degustation and something else event invitations organised on the Silvester by the company!!!

The way back to Ostrava (the Festival took place in Nosovice near Frydek Mistek, 20 km from Ostrava) was not less impressing, while we took the VERY OLD tourist train, big, with lots of smoke out of machine and really funny interier inside!
Nice-nice and once more nice!

Moving further! (hm, by the way, i am spending my working time now!!!)
22d of September!

The big trip to the seccond biggest town in Czech Republic - BRNO!
The weather also made us happy and feel good! So the city is really beautifull, old and impressing!
The old centre is full of interesting buildings, which spread the history out of their walls!
we visited the watch tower, from which you can see the whole city, later we went to the mount castle Spilberg, which was at first a castle, then a fortress, then the really hard prison with tortures and now a perfect attraction to the tourists!
Not less impressive was the local Pub - PEGAS!

as a fact Pegas is not simply a pub, it is one of the most known in BRNO private brewery, where you can taste the freshest and unfiltered beer just out from the brew machine!

Besides this, you can also have a good meal there, so if anyone happens to visit Brno, i advice you to visit this place, situated in the very centre of the city!
Then we visited lots of famous squares. On one of such squares there was a festival of "burchak"(in russian it is something like BRAGA - already not juice, but still not wine) Anyway we didnt like much this thing, beer is better!))
on another square there was the science fetival, where the physics-chemistry masters showed the wonders of the science! really interesting to see, how from nothing

appears something, how the simple sunlight can boil the water in the cattle and otheк things!
Our last stop before leaving was a Kostel oа Saint Michal -big and impressin gothic buildind which can be seen from every part of the city!

Of course , our life is not just work or travelling, in the middle of the week we are always also having some activity, some new aiesec interns come, so in the last 2 weeks we have 4 more interns and 3 of them are from China and Hong Kong, the last arrived from Hungary. So thus we had a nice welcome party for them, ending as usuall in the best pub-street Stodolni. Soon we expect 2 more interns from Russia and some other coutry!
So now, there are 15 people from different counties, can you imagine this?? So many cultures, everyone is different, and it is so interesting to communicate! Want to say that only one AIESEC Osatrava are making more exchanges than some counties in Europe for the whole year, thats impressing!

Last weekend of September! The 30th!
Again not at home, again in the way, again new places of interest and the new towns! They were Novy (new) and Stary (old) Jicin!

really old towns ( 11th and 13th century)! Our new Czech friends (they are colleges of of Vikky) invited us there and showed everything!!!
Want to say that i really like little towns, which have not many inhabitants, but really beautifull, there is very comfortable there, its impossible to get lost, the people are friendly and still lots to see!

We wisited two castles -the first was in the centre and reconstructed, the second was on the hill and looked really great, old and thus impressive with the good view from the uphill!
i have also uploaded pictures on my photo-web!

Tomorrow will be the great event! The global-village. the party, where every intern from every country represents his country, shows the national symbols, prepares national food of whatever, just to share information and to broaden the outlook of those, who attend it! This time the event will take place in the Ostravian University Visoka Skola Banska, where will be lots of students and other people!
So tommorrow i am officialy free from my work(hehe) and will spend the whole day with my friends!

So, this "Times" digest issue comes to the end and i wish myself and everyone to enjoy the last warm Autumn days and not to be sad!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

weekly Times!

the name of this post is weekly Times! logically it is simple! i havent written anything here for about a week and this is a special issue of my blog Times newspaper))
of course, the week of abscence doesnt mean that there was nothing interesting happening!
so! firstly want to say about the new friends (AIESEC interns) who arrived to Ostrava! These are two boys! the first one is form Macedonia and the second is From Italy! On the last Thursday we were having the welcome party for them statring as usual in the AIESEC flat! So, we have heard some interesting fact about the countries, where this guys were from, really fact we even dudnt know! While hearing to them we have tasted their national drinks - Italian wines and a really strong alcohol (52 degrees) from Macedonia. This thing impressed me much, while it seems to be on the taste as a mix of Cognac, Rum and something else.

after all this stuff as usuall we went to the most famous in Czech Republic Pub Street Stodolni! No, actually we didnt go, we swam there, cause in Ostrava i thing for more than a week there is NON-stopping rain! In some minutes we reached the Pub named road 88 or something like this! Everything inside this Pub is connected with the road, after entering the Pub first thing you see is the big part of the soviet car Lada hanging above your head on the top!

Then you see the lots of car numbers on the walls, traffic lights and other stuff! When i entered the pub, i have also felt the strong smell of what do you think??? CANABIS! I asked my Czech friends if it was ok and they answered me that it was, while smoking canabis is legalised here. Maybу you dont know, but gays pair can officially be married here. So this country seems to be the second Netherlands now, democracy rules the country.

Back to interns, i think, that there are already 11 of us! so this is a big amount of foreigners for 1 LC in the same time! and this day we are expecting the Chineese girl! And tomorrow will be the new welcome party for her! So this is the new possibility to get to know the new culturem to chat with other interns and just to relax a bit in the middle of the hard working week!

The next day (it was the 7th of september, Friday) we continued our custom to spend the weekends somewhere, but not at home))

This week it was the mount systems called Beskeds! the Besceds moutains are situated about 50 km from Ostrava, this is the place, where the Ostravice river begins its way!
This was the corporate social event of the company of my girl, the so-to-say team building!
we have made an accomodation in a cool hotel! and the most amasing thing that the hotel-owner was russian, so have spoken russian to him! and he told us some interesting facts about those places. In real in the third biggest city of Czech Republic Ostrava we havent met anyone speaking russian and here , somewhere far in the mountains we managed to do this!
even rain didnt stop us of having the good time together!There was an inside swiming pool with hot water, sauna, dgakuzi! and amazingly beautiful nature around! Little rivers, little waterfalls and wild nature!

in the evening we sat in the Pub dinking Beskidsky Tea or playing bowling!
so, the weekends ran very quickly as usual)))) but at the same time so do the working days)

by the way, i got salary today, so, i am very happy)
till next "Times" issue!

Monday, September 3, 2007

say hello to the Autumn

Yes, you cannot do anything against the time. The time is always stronger, than we are. As far as i know , the humankind still hadnt invented anything to beat the time, no time machine, no elecsir against getting old, no time travellings. So, as much we wished the summer to stay longer, the fact is that we are having the 3d of September and the time continues to run!
Now students have the new head ache - University (well, untill the winter session, they are still may be free)))

The last days of summer, I, as lots of other people, was trying to catch the summers tail. I have visited the Place called Poruba, this is the part of Ostrava, where there is the biggest swimming-pool on the open air in the whole Central Europe situated. The water there is crystally clean and without any smell of Chlor.There is plenty of place for everyone, while it is really big. You can jump from different highs therem ride the water-attractions, drink beer or just enjoy the sun.
So did I, but altogether))) the pictures of it are available on my photo web.

Well,at the beginning of Autumn we are always sad, that is why we have decided to spend it as fun as possible!
and, oh wonder!!! On the very first of September there was a Radegast Beer Festival in Ostrava, you cannot even wish anything better to spend good time!!!)
In the very beginning, there were not so many people and we simply enjoyed some music band playing on the scene. The sponsor of this event, really tasty beer Radegast invented some attracions in the park there, where everyone could try himself for free)
So, we were not the exception)

We (me and my girl Vikky) tried every attraction! some were really easy, some of them were really hard, taking lots of power-efforts, for example, i should climb the mountain

or lift at least 25 times per minute a kega of beer over my head.
There a lots of pictures of this festival on my photo-web:

As the result we have won brander Radegast products: 3 caps, 1 T-shirt, 1 Pullover, 2 beer cups, 2 beer -openers and of course beer!
That was really funny and i think that we have met Autumn with the head up!
I dont know how much beer was drank there, but all the people were very happy and had a lot of fun.

The next day after the festival(yesterday- sunday, the 2d of September) we decided also not to stay at home, hey, by the way, 2 days ago we have moved to the new flat, very nice and convenient on the main street os Ostrava.
So, we decided to visit some nearby cities!
we wanted to see some castles and we went to Hradec nad Moravice city!
On the way to this city there is also a town Opava, which we decided to visit at the same day!

In fact Opava founded to be even more beautiful than Hradec, there are lot of nice and old buildings, some of them, i think from the 17th century!!!!
so, there are a lot of fountains and interesting monuments(for exapmle the watch in the form of moon)
but as it is usual i think for the whole Czech Republic(except Praha maybe), you cannot meet any people in the centre of the city on weekend in the daytime. Frankly speaking, i still cannot understand this phenomenon, i dont believe that they are staying at home, but where do they then go????

after seeing the places of interest in Opava we went to Hradec! We wenrt there by a very funny train, containing of only 1 vagon, which is movint on the motor of a big truck! really interesting!!!
it took us 20 minutes to reach the castle from the railway station.
the castle was really interesting and beautifull. Inside it there is still green like in spring grass and different beautifull buildings! There are also people, the workers, dressed up in the meddieval clothes, playing with the children of visitors!
everything this took me in the atmosphere of reflection and just good mood!

But as i have said in the beginning of this post, the time runs and we cannot do anything about it, but to enjoy the moment. and the time ran... it is monday, the new week, the 5 days working week ahead... but i like my work! and i remember that the time runs) so soon will be the new weekend and the new impressions : )

Monday, August 20, 2007

The post about Praha or how the Queen of Central Europe looks!

This weekend was really the super time!
Me and my girlfriend were to Praha!
From the very first minutes of our being there it impressed me much!
The beautiful buildings and “the smell” of history were everywhere!
I have visited lots of big and beautiful cities: Belgrade, Budapest, Bratislava, Skopje, Kiev, Moscow, but Praha seems to be one of the most beautiful!

The whole center of the city, every building has its history! There are really lots of tourists, seems to be there are no Czechs, just tourists, for one day I think I have heard more than 30 different languages! The winners in quantity I think are Japanese! If you see the huge camera be for 70% sure that this guy is from Japan)
I was in Praha for 2 days.

First day we visited the left side of this city – Praha Hrad, Carlov Most(Charles bridge) ,Watch Tower, different cathedrals and squares! The usefull tip! Take with you some food beforehand (many tourists do like this in order not to waste time and money for breaks) The most common thing to take is something similar to sandwich (called Baget). In the end of the day we enjoyed national food in the Pub and beer and then watched the Night Praha! In the night this city is even more beautiful!
The big amount of photos are available on my photopage :

there click on -->all and choose the interested album


We spend the night in the students hostel not far from the centre. The average prices for the hostels are 300 Czech crowns (about 15 USD or 11 Euro).
The second day was not less impressive! We visited the Old and the New parts of Praha, starting from the National Museum, Waclavska Square, really tiny and full of shops streets, the bank of the river – beautiful scenery (by the way I was excited seeing in this river lots of really big fishes just swimming and jumping out of the water), then we have gone through new part of Praha, seen the biggest Czech Theatre ( Narodni Divaldo). Praha is also the Green city - lots of gardens with fountains, where you can sit on the bench, enjoy the day, drink beer, whatever.
Being very tired we returned back to Ostrava on the Sunday’s evening!
Really recommend everyone at least one time in your life, but to visit Praha! It worth of it!

Now I am back to work, Monday, waiting what will the next weekend bring to me…
Still lots of plans, lots of places to visit are waiting for us....

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Jazz Rocks!


Every weekend we are trying to travel! every weekend there is something new!
this weekend is not the exception!

so yesterday we have visited the jazz-festival in Fridek-Mystek!!
this event takes place every year!
want to say that i've never heard the natural real -jazz! these are amasing sounds.
the festival gathers lots of people! everyone has something particular in himself.
you uderstand that all that people are really very different, but there is something that gathers them together: Jazz!
the same thing we can say about AIESEC. Just think: 95 countries worldwide, more than 20000 of people, different cultures, nations, continents, but when they are on the big conference (IC, IPM, whatever, they are all speaking one language and there is no misunderstanding, there is tolerance and cultural sensitivity and nice atmosphere!
back to JAzz!
this music makes you relax and if you feel the lack of self-reflection and meta-cognotion ability - just turn on the Jazz music and it will be easier.

Today is Sunday, the Czech republic suffers from rain today! but thanks god the temperature is really comfortable in this places + 22( f0r comparison in the south of Ukraine, where am i from, it is more than 30)
But anyway i understand that weekends is not the time to spend at home and we will definitely visit something soon)
I think that any intern comes to the meening that the more you travell - the better it is)

As sof me i travell really a lot)

every week i have a business-trip! this week i was in the westen Czechs - Carlovy Vari and Pilsen, next week i am proposed to go to the North and Middle Czechs (Prague and up to the north).

Travelling sometimes may be exausting, but the impressions you get from it is really worth of it)

to cut the long story short just want to say: visit my foto-blog at:


Monday, August 6, 2007

after a week of abscence


a week ago my blog was last updated)

since that time lots of things have changed and i have even more news, impressions and information!

First of all - not more than 1 day after we returned from slovakia, i was sent to the business-trip from company for 3 days threw the Czech Republic!

Well! Through one day i managed to be in 10 cities and 3 days in the same rhythm!It was the south part of Czech Republic, almost on the border of Austria!

Wanna say, that there are a lot of lakes and the architecture is also a bit another!
New people, new information, new working experience, developing my negotiation skills (in czech language!!!), working with company clients, beautifull nature, tast of national foods and lots of other thing that i've got from this business-trip!

It were 3 days without any English or Ukrainian word! i've spoken only German(thanks God my companion new it) and tried to speak also in Czech! Want to say that from day to day my Czech in getting better and better , so i've got the next conclusion: in order to be successfull or to reach something positive in your internsip, you have to learn the language of the country you are going to, at least a bit)

so, fotos from the trip are already available here:

Only having arrived from business-trip, the same evening i have visited the AIESEC welcome -party for us(ukrainians) and a brasililan guy! We have eaten our national food and also tasted lots of brasilian things! there is also a video on my page (see above)!

In one word - the welcome party was really successfull! concluson : AIESEC in Ostrava has a strong AIESEC for interns culture and they are doing all the best for us to feel comfortable!!!

But! this is also not alll!!!!!!

On this Saturday(4th of August) i have visited the National Holiday (party) in the city where i work!

it was the 60 th anniversary of that party.So there was really funny! lots of people, national music, dances, food(a lot of), drink (even more), lots of cultural pecularities and just a good time spend is the conclusion of this party! Medulina - the name of alcohol, like the ukrainan Vodka it has 40 degrees and more(depends on the village, where it is produced), but, you drink it like a vine, nothing hard and hot, it is very sweet!

there are also some pictures on and even video from the chill-out part of the party on the same site!

what to say, i have a very dinamic life here, everyday there is something new, something interesting, we dont stay on the same place, this is what the internsip for) development and development again and again!

Even now! today is monday! i have just came to work! and what do you think! i was told that tonight i am going to another 2 days business-trip in the western Czechs on the border of Germany. that is again movements, development, new people, new impressions, new information, new pictures, so stay tuned and for this several months i am here -you will know everything about this country)

Monday, July 30, 2007

Super weekend!!! no words! just impressions!

Hello to everyone!

This weekend my company invited me to their social event to slovakia! Actually, this was not so kind of social event, cause in the first day(out of two) we were having educational trainings on softskills to the company workers! As i was for a long time in AIESEC, nothing was new for me, but it was interesting to hear the information in Czech language! besides it was a very good teambuilding and as a fact the whole company is like a big team consisting of many other mini-teams(according to the departments)! everyone is friendly and knows what, when, where and how to to everything! that is really great!

well, sorry for not posting fotos here, cause there are plenty of them on my foto site:

ok! now impressions!


i've never seen such beautiful and clean nature!

on the first day we had a run through the forest to the skiing base(fotos on my site:)

AFTER this there was a huge -mega party on the open air near our hotel!

i've tasted a lot of the best Czech beer named Radegast - it consists of 12 degrees alco, that is much for the beer!!

BUT moreover, after this i have tastet for the first time in my life the frogs legs! it were Indonesian frogs! At first i was a bit scared to eat them (my mindset was against it:), but after drinking a couple of litres of bee everything appeared normal, he-he! So, the taste is really wonderfull, it lookes like a chicken, but not so much! just good taste!! Of cource we've eaten not only legs, but also traditional for piknics food - sauceges, real chicken and fried bananas (by the way 0very interesting taste)

Being tired of the first day we went to sleep!

but we coulndt imagine, what was waiting for us in the next day!

after a good lunch we went on cars somewhere in the mountains of the mount system FATRA -this is the north of Slovakia !

First thin i saw there among all mountains-the huge, very high mountain!

I've said-wow! and the boss of the company told: by the way, we are going to climb there today. well, really, i thought that it was a simple joke (as Czechs like to joke and joke much), but after a half of hour i understood, that i was wrong. we entered the big canyon with beautifull waterfalls and wery dangerous and slurpy road, sometimes we had to climb on rocks!

well, such journey lasted for 4 hours!

i couldnt even imagine how hard would it be! Several times i wantes just simply to stop, turn around, and go back! BUT ! 1) it would cause i am a chicken 2) there was no way back (cause of rocks, you know, you can climb, but not go back, you will just fall) 3) i am young and my boss who is more than 30 and other workes, which are a bit older than me were going without any sufferings, they enjoyed it and here i really believed that Czechs are a healthy and sporty nation!!!

That is why i put my forces together , opened my second breath! and , oh wonder, i managed to be almost the first to reach the top leaving the others back!!

On the very top of the mountain the beautifullest sightes opened before my eyes!

really lots of mountains beneath you! you can see far away, very cold upthere, but just beautifull! i understood that it was worth of it!

Do you thin by reaching the top the hardships were over??? NO!

we had to get of this mount) and ot was also challenge!!

way back, cincentration not to fall, 2 hours in the way! no forces! but after this, when we were back to the civilization, we had a good dinner- national slovak food - HALUSHKI!!!!

we were back in Czech republic in the evening, tired, not feeling ourselves, but happy and full of emotions! Sleeping like the dead ones, having pain in the whole body next day, i am writing you now!

Of cource we have found enough forces to visit the ZOO -one of the biggest in Europe next day!

there is also everything great!lots of animals, big territory!

you can also find some pictures from the ZOO in my fotosite:


hope, you enjoy to read this as much as i enjoyed feeling it!

waiting for comments and posts!

Till next time)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

just a nice morning)

so here is the another day came to us)it is exactly the week of my work on the company and i am going to cebrate it)this friday the company is going to have the corporate social event in slovakia in the Tatri mountains! so i am also going to be there)i think that it will be just 2 super days! besides the expected rest in mountains there will like in AIESEC some learning activities, discussions and seminairs on the open air.Tatri are the very beautiful mountains with the virgin nature, i hope to make there lots of beautiful fotos and i will definitely upload them)the only problem i have with the company is that a very little amount of people there speak english and those wgho speak are doing it not in the besrt way!that is why i just have to learn CZech language and want to say tha i am doing it pretty good!At least for more than a week being in this country , i understand 70% of talks, the only option is that people have to speak slowly with me!By the way, all the employess are trying to study english here, that is why once a week to the company comes the teacher and they are having lessons!)
Well, yesterday i have promiced to write some words about other intens which we have in Ostrava!So, here ae the girls from: India, Aistralia and 2 from Ukraine, boys from China, Canada, Brazil and Ukraine(its me) also)soon i ершил that we are expecting some new)in a week there will be the official welcome-party for us( me, Vika, and the guy who just came from Brazil), i think we will celebrate it in the AIESEC flat and then move to thу one of tghe most streets in Czech Republic - Stodolni Streen - here are a lot of Pubs and other entertainment.By the way, the pubs are not so expensive!we are living almost altogether in a doctorants dormitory in the Centre of the city, so, if we need to gather or to speak, just knock the next to you door on the same floor!as i am writing this post, i still dont know how to name it)well, its almost the time to start my work! that is why soon will be the another posts)as it is here said AHOI- BYE!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Korol mertv - Da Zdravstvuet korol

The king is dead - vivat to the King!
interesting name for the post)
what i meant by this?
As i am on internship in another country, it logically means that i have left my previous life in Ukraine, at least the way of life, and i wont return to it anymore, because anyone changes and especially on the internship.
Though Czechs are the Slovan people, as Ukrainians or Russians or whatever are, here is everything different. one of my own advices on how to attitude to the differences in culture is to think in such a way: it is not better or worce, it is just different!
dont try to compare your and another country, rather try to understand it)
I never understood, how is it possible in Europe not to see after 23.00 people on the streets, are they hiding?? no, its just another rythm of life, as for me, now i got up at 5 in the morning to go for work and have to go to sleep at 23.00 in order not to feel sleepy the next day.
But in my " previous" life (remember the name of this post) i went to bed at 2 or 3 in the night and got up at 10 or 11 in the morning.
And you know what? i feel much better now, waking up in the earl)

concerning other pecularities: here is the beautifull nature) in the middle of summer the grass is green (its unbelievable for the Crimea, Ukraine), its not so hot ( by hot i mean 30 and more), the normal temperature is 25)
What impressed me it is also the peoples love to cleannes. Yes, not everywhere you will meet people, who are aware of the place they live in.
i also liked the Czech beer! oh, mama, it is extremely cheap!! 3 or 4 times cheaper as in Ukraine and also it is tasty) The only problem is not to get fat)
The prices are quiet average. well, on 400 $ (including rent a flat) it is really possible to live and even to travel, what i am going to do, while it is summer and warm)
My job day finishes at 16.00 , so soon i will go home!) and the next post will be at least tomorrow)
yes! about my job!!!
i work in the middle company, named Bradop! This is the furniture producing company and it is strong and quick developing!!!! most of personell (about 40 people) are young and we have a very good working climate!!!
I am studing the company now and later will develop some marketing connections of company in Ukraine and EU as the company wants to expand and develop more!
O like this work, you know, sometimes people have such feeling, like they everytime dont want to go for work and they push themselves to do it! I am not such a person) I like to go on work !
As the former LCP and now intern want to say , that to my mind there is no good or bad company, there is no good or bad internship, because internship is what you make of it! it completely depends on you only!!!
I am also impressed by the AIESEC in Ostrava - this is for sure one of the strongest committees i know! and they are so nice, the are so much care about the interns!!!!
Just want to thank for all they are doing)
In the next posts i will write about other interns (7 more!!!),which are here from different not only countries, but rather patrs of the Earth! it is so great!!11

well, in conclusion want to say, that most of my fotos i am uploading to
Or reach me by MSN or mobile +420774839804
