Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Korol mertv - Da Zdravstvuet korol

The king is dead - vivat to the King!
interesting name for the post)
what i meant by this?
As i am on internship in another country, it logically means that i have left my previous life in Ukraine, at least the way of life, and i wont return to it anymore, because anyone changes and especially on the internship.
Though Czechs are the Slovan people, as Ukrainians or Russians or whatever are, here is everything different. one of my own advices on how to attitude to the differences in culture is to think in such a way: it is not better or worce, it is just different!
dont try to compare your and another country, rather try to understand it)
I never understood, how is it possible in Europe not to see after 23.00 people on the streets, are they hiding?? no, its just another rythm of life, as for me, now i got up at 5 in the morning to go for work and have to go to sleep at 23.00 in order not to feel sleepy the next day.
But in my " previous" life (remember the name of this post) i went to bed at 2 or 3 in the night and got up at 10 or 11 in the morning.
And you know what? i feel much better now, waking up in the earl)

concerning other pecularities: here is the beautifull nature) in the middle of summer the grass is green (its unbelievable for the Crimea, Ukraine), its not so hot ( by hot i mean 30 and more), the normal temperature is 25)
What impressed me it is also the peoples love to cleannes. Yes, not everywhere you will meet people, who are aware of the place they live in.
i also liked the Czech beer! oh, mama, it is extremely cheap!! 3 or 4 times cheaper as in Ukraine and also it is tasty) The only problem is not to get fat)
The prices are quiet average. well, on 400 $ (including rent a flat) it is really possible to live and even to travel, what i am going to do, while it is summer and warm)
My job day finishes at 16.00 , so soon i will go home!) and the next post will be at least tomorrow)
yes! about my job!!!
i work in the middle company, named Bradop! This is the furniture producing company and it is strong and quick developing!!!! most of personell (about 40 people) are young and we have a very good working climate!!!
I am studing the company now and later will develop some marketing connections of company in Ukraine and EU as the company wants to expand and develop more!
O like this work, you know, sometimes people have such feeling, like they everytime dont want to go for work and they push themselves to do it! I am not such a person) I like to go on work !
As the former LCP and now intern want to say , that to my mind there is no good or bad company, there is no good or bad internship, because internship is what you make of it! it completely depends on you only!!!
I am also impressed by the AIESEC in Ostrava - this is for sure one of the strongest committees i know! and they are so nice, the are so much care about the interns!!!!
Just want to thank for all they are doing)
In the next posts i will write about other interns (7 more!!!),which are here from different not only countries, but rather patrs of the Earth! it is so great!!11

well, in conclusion want to say, that most of my fotos i am uploading to
Or reach me by MSN or mobile +420774839804


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