Tuesday, September 11, 2007

weekly Times!

the name of this post is weekly Times! logically it is simple! i havent written anything here for about a week and this is a special issue of my blog Times newspaper))
of course, the week of abscence doesnt mean that there was nothing interesting happening!
so! firstly want to say about the new friends (AIESEC interns) who arrived to Ostrava! These are two boys! the first one is form Macedonia and the second is From Italy! On the last Thursday we were having the welcome party for them statring as usual in the AIESEC flat! So, we have heard some interesting fact about the countries, where this guys were from, really fact we even dudnt know! While hearing to them we have tasted their national drinks - Italian wines and a really strong alcohol (52 degrees) from Macedonia. This thing impressed me much, while it seems to be on the taste as a mix of Cognac, Rum and something else.

after all this stuff as usuall we went to the most famous in Czech Republic Pub Street Stodolni! No, actually we didnt go, we swam there, cause in Ostrava i thing for more than a week there is NON-stopping rain! In some minutes we reached the Pub named road 88 or something like this! Everything inside this Pub is connected with the road, after entering the Pub first thing you see is the big part of the soviet car Lada hanging above your head on the top!

Then you see the lots of car numbers on the walls, traffic lights and other stuff! When i entered the pub, i have also felt the strong smell of what do you think??? CANABIS! I asked my Czech friends if it was ok and they answered me that it was, while smoking canabis is legalised here. Maybу you dont know, but gays pair can officially be married here. So this country seems to be the second Netherlands now, democracy rules the country.

Back to interns, i think, that there are already 11 of us! so this is a big amount of foreigners for 1 LC in the same time! and this day we are expecting the Chineese girl! And tomorrow will be the new welcome party for her! So this is the new possibility to get to know the new culturem to chat with other interns and just to relax a bit in the middle of the hard working week!

The next day (it was the 7th of september, Friday) we continued our custom to spend the weekends somewhere, but not at home))

This week it was the mount systems called Beskeds! the Besceds moutains are situated about 50 km from Ostrava, this is the place, where the Ostravice river begins its way!
This was the corporate social event of the company of my girl, the so-to-say team building!
we have made an accomodation in a cool hotel! and the most amasing thing that the hotel-owner was russian, so have spoken russian to him! and he told us some interesting facts about those places. In real in the third biggest city of Czech Republic Ostrava we havent met anyone speaking russian and here , somewhere far in the mountains we managed to do this!
even rain didnt stop us of having the good time together!There was an inside swiming pool with hot water, sauna, dgakuzi! and amazingly beautiful nature around! Little rivers, little waterfalls and wild nature!

in the evening we sat in the Pub dinking Beskidsky Tea or playing bowling!
so, the weekends ran very quickly as usual)))) but at the same time so do the working days)

by the way, i got salary today, so, i am very happy)
till next "Times" issue!


Dekabrina said...

Женька, какие-то сбои в печати Weekly times у вас! Я подписалась на год на издание! Буду жаловаться в редакцию!:))

cj said...

виноват, обещаю исправиться) просто эти сбои имеют название: завал на работе)))

Домовой said...

А ты покажи завалу, кто главный! Фигурально, разумеется.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.