Monday, July 30, 2007

Super weekend!!! no words! just impressions!

Hello to everyone!

This weekend my company invited me to their social event to slovakia! Actually, this was not so kind of social event, cause in the first day(out of two) we were having educational trainings on softskills to the company workers! As i was for a long time in AIESEC, nothing was new for me, but it was interesting to hear the information in Czech language! besides it was a very good teambuilding and as a fact the whole company is like a big team consisting of many other mini-teams(according to the departments)! everyone is friendly and knows what, when, where and how to to everything! that is really great!

well, sorry for not posting fotos here, cause there are plenty of them on my foto site:

ok! now impressions!


i've never seen such beautiful and clean nature!

on the first day we had a run through the forest to the skiing base(fotos on my site:)

AFTER this there was a huge -mega party on the open air near our hotel!

i've tasted a lot of the best Czech beer named Radegast - it consists of 12 degrees alco, that is much for the beer!!

BUT moreover, after this i have tastet for the first time in my life the frogs legs! it were Indonesian frogs! At first i was a bit scared to eat them (my mindset was against it:), but after drinking a couple of litres of bee everything appeared normal, he-he! So, the taste is really wonderfull, it lookes like a chicken, but not so much! just good taste!! Of cource we've eaten not only legs, but also traditional for piknics food - sauceges, real chicken and fried bananas (by the way 0very interesting taste)

Being tired of the first day we went to sleep!

but we coulndt imagine, what was waiting for us in the next day!

after a good lunch we went on cars somewhere in the mountains of the mount system FATRA -this is the north of Slovakia !

First thin i saw there among all mountains-the huge, very high mountain!

I've said-wow! and the boss of the company told: by the way, we are going to climb there today. well, really, i thought that it was a simple joke (as Czechs like to joke and joke much), but after a half of hour i understood, that i was wrong. we entered the big canyon with beautifull waterfalls and wery dangerous and slurpy road, sometimes we had to climb on rocks!

well, such journey lasted for 4 hours!

i couldnt even imagine how hard would it be! Several times i wantes just simply to stop, turn around, and go back! BUT ! 1) it would cause i am a chicken 2) there was no way back (cause of rocks, you know, you can climb, but not go back, you will just fall) 3) i am young and my boss who is more than 30 and other workes, which are a bit older than me were going without any sufferings, they enjoyed it and here i really believed that Czechs are a healthy and sporty nation!!!

That is why i put my forces together , opened my second breath! and , oh wonder, i managed to be almost the first to reach the top leaving the others back!!

On the very top of the mountain the beautifullest sightes opened before my eyes!

really lots of mountains beneath you! you can see far away, very cold upthere, but just beautifull! i understood that it was worth of it!

Do you thin by reaching the top the hardships were over??? NO!

we had to get of this mount) and ot was also challenge!!

way back, cincentration not to fall, 2 hours in the way! no forces! but after this, when we were back to the civilization, we had a good dinner- national slovak food - HALUSHKI!!!!

we were back in Czech republic in the evening, tired, not feeling ourselves, but happy and full of emotions! Sleeping like the dead ones, having pain in the whole body next day, i am writing you now!

Of cource we have found enough forces to visit the ZOO -one of the biggest in Europe next day!

there is also everything great!lots of animals, big territory!

you can also find some pictures from the ZOO in my fotosite:


hope, you enjoy to read this as much as i enjoyed feeling it!

waiting for comments and posts!

Till next time)


Malyuchka said...

E-e-ex Zhenka, Zheka!
How much time You were invited to visit Ukrainian Carpathians and How much time You "widmorozywsya"? Then You wouldn't be so surprised by its beauty....
But I am glad that now You finally got aquainted...
Wishing You more new feelings

Mariya Lukavskaya said...

i would be the first person who leaves a comment there.
Jeka, voobshem ya v v ostorge, globalnost procvetaet!!!!
Slushay, a kak voobshe zadaniya na stajirovke?
Stajirovka kachestwennaya?

cj said...

i am more than sure that Carpatas are increadible , because Fatra (where i have been) are the beginning of Carpatas)
I thing that during my long life, i will for sure visit Carpatas)))

waiting for your further comments)))

cj said...

To Masha!
masha, that internship is really qualitive)
everything is fine!
I wish you could have matched and got your experience ASAP!!!